Powell County Departments and Agencies

Stanton Police Department

James Watson, Training Officer
Stanton Police Department
98 Court Street
P.O. Box 970
Stanton, KY 40380

(606) 663-1459 – Office
(606) 663-5737 – Fax



The Mission of the Stanton Police Department is to serve and protect the citizens of the City of Stanton.  We proudly serve the Cityof Stanton by enforcing the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and assuring that the streets are safe for our children.  We serve proudly with our fellow officers in meeting your law enforcement needs.

The Stanton Police Department provides 24 hour protection 7 days a week through our staff of 7 certified law enforcement officers that completed their training through the Department of Criminal Justice Training Center.  When requested, we also assist Clay City Police Department, the Powell County Sheriff’s Department, the Kentucky State Police, and any federal law enforcement agency that may request our assistance.  We also have a K-9 Union that is used for drug interdiction.  We provide education about the dangers of drugs and violence.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What if I have a tip – how do I report it?
You can call the Powell County Dispatch Center at (606) 663-4116 or the Stanton Police Department at (606) 663-1459 (for emergencies, call 911).

Q: When can I pick up a collision report or an incident report (theft, vandalism)?
Reports may be picked up approximately 5 days after the collision or incident occurred.  In some instances, it may take longer due to the investigation of the incident or collision or gathering additional information needed to complete the report.  Reports may be picked up at the Stanton Police Department if the case was handled by us.

Q: What if I have a collision or incident and no one is injured or in danger, how do I obtain a report?
If anyone is injured or is in danger, please call 911.  If no one is injured and no one is in danger or the situation does not put others in danger without immediate intervention, then you may call the Police Department Administration line at (606) 663-1459 or the Powell County Dispatch Administration line at (606) 663-4116.  WHEN IN DOUBT, CALL 911.

Q: What information will I need when requesting a copy of a collision report?
Reports may be obtained either in person or by mail.  When requesting a report it is helpful to know the following information so that we may serve you better:

  1. Victim’s name or persons involved
  2. Date of the collision/incident
  3. Location of the collision/incident
  4. Approximate time of occurrence (morning, after 6:00)
  5. Investigating officer’s name

Copies of reports can also be obtained by written request to the Stanton Police Department with as much as possible of the above-mentioned information included in the request.  Send the request, along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:

Stanton Police Department
P.O. Box 970
Stanton, KY 40380